Request Tracker

class RequestTracker


The RequestTracker contract is a simple database contract that exposes an API suitable for querying for scheduled transaction requests. This database is permissionless in so much as it partitiions transaction requests by the address that reported them. This means that anyone can deploy a new request scheduler that conforms to whatever specific rules they may need for their use case and configure it to report any requests it schedules with this tracker contract.

Assuming that such a scheduler was written to still use the RequestFactory contract for creation of transaction requests, the standard execution client will pickup and execute any requests that this scheduler creates.


//pragma solidity 0.4.1;
contract RequestTrackerInterface {
    function getWindowStart(address factory, address request) constant returns (uint);
    function getPreviousRequest(address factory, address request) constant returns (address);
    function getNextRequest(address factory, address request) constant returns (address);
    function addRequest(address request, uint startWindow) constant returns (bool);
    function removeRequest(address request) constant returns (bool);
    function isKnownRequest(address factory, address request) constant returns (bool);
    function query(address factory, bytes2 operator, uint value) constant returns (address);

Database Structure

All functions exposed by the RequestTracker take an address as the first argument. This is the address that reported the request into the tracker. This address is referred to as the scheduling address which merely means that it is the address that reported this request into the tracker. Each scheduling address effectively receives it’s own database.

All requests are tracked and ordered by their windowStart value. The tracker does not distinguish between block based scheduling and timestamp based scheduling.

It is possible for a single TransactionRequest contract to be listed under multiple scheduling addresses since any address may report a request into the database.

Chain of Trust

Since this database is permissionless, if you plan to consume data from it, you should validate the following things.

Any request created by the RequestFactory contract regardless of how it was created should be safe to execute using the provided execution client.


RequestTracker.isKnownRequest(address scheduler, address request) constant returns (bool)

Returns true or false depending on whether this address has been registered under this scheduler address.

RequestTracker.getWindowStart(address scheduler, address request) constant returns (uint)

Returns the registered windowStart value for the request. A return value of 0 indicates that this address is not known.

RequestTracker.getPreviousRequest(address scheduler, address request) constant returns (address)

Returns the address of the request who’s windowStart comes directly before this one.

RequestTracker.getNextRequest(address scheduler, address request) constant returns (address)

Returns the address of the request who’s windowStart comes directly after this one.

RequestTracker.addRequest(address request, uint startWindow) constant returns (bool)

Add an address into the tracker. The msg.sender address will be used as the scheduler address to determine which database to use.

RequestTracker.removeRequest(address request) constant returns (bool)

Remove an address from the tracker. The msg.sender address will be used as the scheduler address to determine which database to use.

RequestTracker.query(address scheduler, bytes2 operator, uint value) constant returns (address)

Query the database for the given scheduler. Returns the address of the 1st record which evaluates to true for the given query.

Allowed values for the operator parameter are:

  • '>': For strictly greater than.
  • '>=': For greater than or equal to.
  • '<': For strictly less than.
  • '<=': For less than or equal to.
  • '==': For less than or equal to.

The value parameter is what the windowSize for each record will be compared to.

If the return address is the null address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 then no records matched.